For all you web designers out there that don’t have all of these codes memorized…

Watch out this printout is 3 pages long =P

[HTML Code Cheat Sheet – Printable Reference]

Again these codes are in big fonts so their easy to see. Great for a binder or on your wall.
Printout + Tape + Wall = 1337

-Captain Johnny

So it turns out roughly 700 million laptop batteries have been recalled… so far >_< Oh it also turns out that many of the older Sony HDTV's that don't have an HDMI port won't be able to play Sony's own Blu-ray DVD's! I can just imagine the thousands of protests and love letters from customers who plopped down $5000+ for a Sony "High-Definition" display that well... can't play high def content created by Sony >_< x2

If you’ve ever wondered how people input special symbols into word docs or web pages this ones for you. A special printable reference of some commonly used alt key symbols.

[Alt Key Symbols – Printable Reference]

BTW, the text/codes are in big fonts so its easy to see from a moderate distance = tape it near your workspace so you can have a quick reference. YAY!



I’ve tested this in Word 2007 so I’m going to ASSUME that it works in all Microsoft Office versions up to 2007.

  1. Open up a new Word document.
  2. Type “=rand(100,99)” and hit ENTER
  3. Wait a few moments…
  4. WTF?