**Note: This trick only works in Windows XP machines.**

  1. Open up notepad.
  2. Type “Bush hid the facts”
  3. Then save the file; you can save it under any filename.
  4. Close notepad.
  5. Now open up the same file you just created and you’ll noticed that what you typed before is gone…

Just a coincidence? Or maybe someone in Microsoft knows something?

Minesweeper is probably the only game that I never got…
At one point I even went online and found instructions but still didn’t understand how to play it.
If there was ever a game that needed hax0ring it’s Minesweeper.
So off we go!

  1. Open Minesweeper
  2. Press xyzzy
  3. Hold down the “shift” key
  4. At the top left monitor there should be a white pixel that appears
  5. Now move the mouse around until the white pixel disappears to find the squares with mines.


Whether you just bought a new computer or your running off an ancient machine from the 90’s here is a list of essential FREE apps that everyone needs. Most of these free apps are also compatible with Linux and Mac OS.

  1. Internet Browser – Firefox
    Replaces Internet Explorer
  2. Email Client – Thunderbird
    Replaces Outlook
  3. Calendar – Sunbird
    Replaces Outlook’s Calendar
  4. Word Processor – AbiWord
    Replaces Microsoft Word
  5. Lightweight Word Processor – Notepad2
    Replaces Notepad
  6. Office Suite – OpenOffice
    Replaces Microsoft Office
  7. Finance Management – GnuCash
    Replaces Quicken or Microsoft Money
  8. Project Management – GanttPV
    Replaces Microsoft Project
  9. RSI Prevention – Workrave
    A small program that helps to prevent repetitive strain injuries.


Ever wanted to get the high score? Well now you can!

Load up 3D Pinball then type in “hidden test” > enter
Now get your mouse and click on the pinball machine. You should now be able to drag the pinball around yay!
(You have to hold down the left mouse button while you drag the pinball)
Hit the “R” key during a game to increase your rank.

Finally, with 3D Pinball loaded up hit the “H” key on your keyboard. A dialog box with a high score of 1,000,000,000 should come up with a space to type in your name.

Update: You can also type 1max for additional balls or bmax for unlimited tries at the start of a new game.
