If your used to having the menu bar at the top of whatever program your using like me, then you probably don’t like how IE7 hides the menu bar by default and then puts the menu bar under the address bar when you enable it. Any decent programmer/developer knows that you never move the navigation. Kind of like when you build a website… it makes it just a wee bit difficult for visitors when you change the navigation around from page to page. After giving us the menu bar at the top of all of their programs for many years, I think M$ should know better than to change it. Enough with the rant, on to the hack.

Your going to have to make a reg file so fire up notepad and copy/paste the text in bold below:


[HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftInternet ExplorerToolbarWebBrowser]

Now save your text file with the .reg extension ex: iemenubar.reg

After you’ve saved the text file just double click on it to add it to the registry.

Restart IE7 and you should see the change.


If you want to learn how to hack those one time use camcorders used at pharmacies check out the link below.


This is a universal, cross-browser solution that will work with whatever your using to view the interwebs.

Right click on the javascript links below and save them to your bookmarks.

Download Google Video

Download YouTube Video

Don’t click on the links above because it won’t do anything.

After you save the links as bookmarks, whenever your watching a video on YouTube or Google Video, simply click on the correct bookmark and the flash video should begin downloading. The videos you d/l from YouTube will be named “get_video” so just rename it and add the .flv file extension and you should be able to play it back on your PC.

The VLC Media Player should be able to play .flv files back. You can find the link in our Multimedia Tools area.


Choose Computers/Internet/IT/Technical as your industry and job function/title.

You’ll end up filling out a little survey but it’s short and will only take a few minutes.

This deal probably won’t last very long so I suggest if you want it, go fill it out NOW!