Entries by Johnny

Google Hack – Disable Personalized Search

If you have a Google and/or Gmail account chances are that you have personalized search enabled. Basically this means that Google remembers everything that you ever search for (through Google) and personalizes your future search results based upon your history. Now I don’t know about you but I personally wouldn’t want a search engine to […]

IM Security – Encrypt Your Instant Messages

Did you know that every single IM you send could be read by a stranger? Anyone with even a little bit of computer know how can listen in on your conversations because everything that you type is being sent over the internet in PLAIN TEXT! So if your someone who likes their privacy/security and your […]

Download Videos From YouTube, Myspace, etc.

Have you ever wanted to download videos from YouTube, ThatVideoSite, and Myspace? Heres what you need: 1. Firefox 2. Video Downloader 3. Media Coder After you’ve got all of the above downloaded and installed follow the instructions below. 1. Find the video you want to download and on that page there should be a Video […]