Entries by Johnny

Ultimate Guide To Copying Movies And Music

Disclaimer: If you have to bypass encryption during the process of copying media you are violating the law. So basically as long as you don’t bypass any protection schemes it’s OK to copy music cd’s and dvd’s that you own. For personal use that is ;) Exact Audio Copy www.exactaudiocopy.de LAME Encoder at mitiok.cjb.net Ripping […]

Gmail – Tag Hack

when signing up for potential spam add +spam to your gmail address. ex: myemail@gmail.com > myemail+spam@gmail.com then when you receive the spam you can filter it out by telling gmail to put everything with a +spam into your spam folder. you can do this by signing into gmail and clicking on the “Create a filter” […]

Save Embedded Files From Websites

Have you ever come across a website/webpage with a media file that you absolutely had to have but couldn’t save/download? Especially those embedded pictures and videos?? Those of you out there who are l33t have probably figured a way around this dilema by using the “view page source” in Firefox. But it’s not always convenient […]

Access Any Website From Any Computer

[AKA Work/School] Updated: 7/28/06 Many jobs and schools block access to certain websites. However, it is very difficult for anybody to block access to google. By using google with either of these two methods, you can gain access to blocked sites very easily. Blocked web site? Need a proxy? Method 1: The first and most […]