
Choose Computers/Internet/IT/Technical as your industry and job function/title.

You’ll end up filling out a little survey but it’s short and will only take a few minutes.

This deal probably won’t last very long so I suggest if you want it, go fill it out NOW!

This military alphabet is for those times when your on a radio or cellphone and the person on the other side can’t quite hear and/or understand what your saying. Also great for serial numbers and such. Ex: instead of abc123 you would say alpha, bravo, charlie, 1, 2, 3. ^_^

Roger That
Enemy Spotted
Go Go Go!

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So far there have already been quite a few finds in Google Maps.

There was that time when someone found a nude sunbather in europe…

And the time after that where someone else found a peeping tom looking at the nude sunbather a couple of houses away…

Today something special was spotted. And no it was not another nude sunbather >_<

Click the pic for the gallery…

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Sure you may have an anti-virus program installed and updated but do you know if it’s actually working? And even if it is working do you know what to do when your anti-virus detects a virus? Now might be a good idea to learn.

To test your anti-virus program, head over to eicar and download the EICAR test file. If your anti-virus is working, as soon as you download the test file it should be detected and dealt with. There may even be a pop-up asking you whether the file should be denied access, moved to the quarantine area, or deleted. Learn which one is appropriate for the future ;)

BTW, if you do not have any anti-virus software installed you should head over to our Security Tools area for a list of recommended solutions.

Pteromerhanophobia = The fear of flying…

After seeing this I’m definitely staying away from gigantic flying tin cans.

Click on the thumbnail for the full size version.