to open up the command prompt in any version of windows, go to the start menu, click run and type “cmd” in the box.

run > cmd

syntax list:

  • “netstat” checks and shows that connections are established and which ports are listening.
  • “ping” brings up a menu to ping various connections.
  • “iprelease” releases your ip address
  • “iprenew” renews your ip address
  • “ipconfig” configure IP
  • “reg” Read, Set or Delete registry keys and values
  • “regedit” Import, export or delete registry settings from a text (.REG) file
  • “CONVERT” Convert a FAT drive to NTFS.

CHKDSK [drive:][[path]filename] [/F] [/V] [/R] [/L[:size]]

[drive:] Specify the drive to check.

filename Specify the file(s) to check for fragmentation (FAT only).

  • /F Automatically Fix file system errors on the disk.
  • /X Fix file system errors on the disk, (Win2003 and above) dismounts the volume first, closing all open file handles.
  • /R Scan for and attempt Recovery of bad sectors.
  • /V Display the full path and name of every file on the disk.
  • /L:size NTFS only: change the log file size to the specified number of kilobytes. If size is not specified, displays the current log size and the drive type (FAT or NTFS).
  • /C Skip directory corruption checks.
  • /I Skip corruption checks that compare directory entries to the file record segment (FRS) in the volume’s master file table (MFT)

COLOR [background][foreground]

Sets the default console foreground and background colours.

Colour attributes are specified by 2 of the following hex digits. Each digit can be any of the following values:

  • 0 = Black
  • 8 = Gray
  • 1 = Blue
  • 9 = Light Blue
  • 2 = Green
  • A = Light Green
  • 3 = Aqua
  • B = Light Aqua
  • 4 = Red
  • C = Light Red
  • 5 = Purple
  • D = Light Purple
  • 6 = Yellow
  • E = Light Yellow
  • 7 = White
  • F = Bright White

DEL [options] [/A:file_attributes] files_to_delete

Delete one or more files.

files_to_delete : This may be a filename, a list of files or a Wildcard

/P Give a Yes/No Prompt before deleting.
/F Ignore read-only setting and delete anyway (FORCE)
/S Delete from all Subfolders (DELTREE)
/Q Quiet mode, do not give a Yes/No Prompt before deleting.

/A Select files to delete based on file_attributes

R Read-only -R NOT Read-only
S System -S NOT System
H Hidden -H NOT Hidden
A Archive -A NOT Archive

Wildcards: These can be combined with part of a filename

* Match any characters
? Match any ONE character


To delete HelloWorld.TXT
DEL HelloWorld.TXT

To delete “Hello Big World.TXT”
DEL “Hello Big World.TXT”

To delete all files that start with the letter A

To delete all files that end with the letter A
DEL *A.*

To delete all files with a .DOC extension

To delete all read only files
DEL /a:R *

To delete all files including any that are read only
DEL /F *

If a folder name is given instead of a file, all files in the folder will be deleted, but the folder itself will not be removed.

Temporary Files
You should clear out TEMP files on a regular basis – this is best done at startup when no applications are running. To delete all files in all subfolders of C:temp but leave the folder structure intact:


When clearing out the TEMP directory it is not generally worthwhile removing the subfolders too – they don’t use much space and constantly deleting and recreating them can potentially increase fragmentation within the Master File Table.

Deleting a file will not prevent third party utilities from un-deleting it again, however you can turn any file into a zero-byte file to destroy the file allocation chain like this:

TYPE nul > C:examplesMyFile.txt
DEL C:examplesMyFile.txt

Undeletable Files

Files are sometimes created with the very long filenames or reserved names: CON, AUX, COM1, COM2, COM3, COM4, LPT1, LPT2, LPT3, PRN, NUL
To delete these use the syntax: DEL \.C:somedirLPT1
Alternatively SUBST a drive letter to the folder containing the file.

If a file (or folder) still appears to be ‘undeletable’ this is often caused by the indexing service.
Right click the file you need to delete, choose properties, advanced and untick “allow indexing” you will then be able to delete the file. To cure the problem permanently – Control Panel, Add/Remove programs, Win Accessories, indexing service.

Delete Locked files (Typically IE temp files or the Offline cache)
This works on any version of NT, 2000 or XP

Close all applications
Open a command prompt
Click Start, and then Shut Down
Simultaneously press CTRL+SHIFT+ALT.
While you keep these keys pressed, click Cancel in the Shut Down Windows dialog box.
In the command prompt window, navigate to the cache location, and delete all files from the folder (DEL /s)
At the command prompt, type explorer, and then press ENTER.


Previous versions of Windows had the DELTREE command that deletes all files and sub folders.
DEL /s will delete all files
RD /s will remove all files and folders including the root folder.

:: Remove all files and subfolders but NOT the root folder
:: From tip 617 at
@echo off
pushd %1
del /q *.*
for /f “Tokens=*” %%G in (‘dir /B’) do rd /s /q “%%G”

Normally DEL will display a list of the files deleted, if Command Extensions are disabled; it will instead display a list of any files it cannot find.

ERASE is a synonym for DEL

DIRUSE [options] Folders…

Display disk usage.


/M Display in Mb
/K Display in Kb
/B Display in bytes (default)
/, Use thousand separator when displaying sizes.

/Q:# Quota limit, mark folders that exceed the size (#) with a “!”.
set %errorlevel% to ONE if any folders are found that
exceed the specified size

/* Report on one level of subfolders (top-level folders)

/D Display only folders that exceed specified sizes.
/S Include detail of every subfolder in the output
/O Don’t check subfolders for quota overflow.
/V Display progress report for every subfolder

/C Use Compressed size instead of apparent size.
/L Output overflows to logfile .DIRUSE.LOG.
/A generate an alert if quota is exceeded
(requires the Alerter service)

EXIT [/B] [exitCode]

Quit CMD.exe or the current batch script.

/B When used in a batch script it will exit the
current batch script instead of CMD.EXE.
If executed from outside a batch script, it
will still quit CMD.EXE

exitCode A numeric number. if /B is specified, sets
ERRORLEVEL that number. If quitting CMD.EXE, sets the process
exit code with that number.

KILL [option] process_id
KILL [option] task_name
KILL [option] window_title

-f Force process kill

Note: Kill -f basically just nukes the process from existence, potentially leaking a lot of memory and losing any data that the process hadn’t committed to disk yet. It is there for worst case scenarios – when you absolutely must end the process now, and don’t care whether proper cleanup gets done or not.

LOGOFF [/f] [/n]

/f Force running processes to close, but will ask for user confirmation.
The user will not be asked to save unsaved data.

/n Force running processes to close without confirmation.
The user will be prompted to save unsaved data.

By default LOGOFF will ask for user confirmation and prompt to save unsaved data.

Windows XP includes the SHUTDOWN command that can now logoff a user.

In WindowsXP, KILL is replaced with the superior TASKKILL – Allowing you to specify a remote computer, different user account etc – for more details run TASKKILL /?


Display memory usage


/P List programs in memory
with the memory address and size of each

/D List Programs(as /P) and also Devices

/C List programs in conventional memory and
list programs in upper memory

MEM will only display details about the current CMD shell environment, programs running in a separate shell (or WIN32 programs) will not be listed – so it won’t tell you anything about total memory usage.

RECOVER [drive:][path]filename

Recover is designed to help in the case of hardware failure. When a drive fails the failure is not always total, in other words you may be able to read some of the files but not others, and some files will be only partly readable.

The data on a disk is stored in tracks and sectors in an almost random manner. Data stored in a bad sectors cannot be read.

RECOVER reads a file sector by sector and recovers data from the good sectors. You must specify a file.

Recover will not allow you to undelete a file.

Recover files one at a time; move each file to a good disk before editing to re-enter missing information.
In the case of complex documents you will probably lose formatting/graphics but will retain raw text.

Disclaimer: If you have to bypass encryption during the process of copying media you are violating the law. So basically as long as you don’t bypass any protection schemes it’s OK to copy music cd’s and dvd’s that you own. For personal use that is ;)

Exact Audio Copy
LAME Encoder at

Ripping MP3’s:
For this task you will need Exact Audio Copy aka EAC and the LAME MP3 encoder. Download both and unzip both to the same folder. When you install EAC, choose the “I prefer to have accurate results” and skip the step to install and configure LAME. Towards the end choose the option “I’m an expert” and click finish.

Now that you have EAC installed, start up the program and choose options from the menu. Deselect the “Lock Drive” option. Leave everything at their defaults and click on the tools tab. Place a checkmark next to “On extraction, start external compressors…” Then click ok.

Now choose “compression options” from the EAC menu and click the External Compression tab. Place a checkmark next to “Use external program for compression,” choose “Use Defined Encoder” from the drop down menu and browse to the foler where you d/l’ed LAME and click lame.exe. Next type the following text exactly into the “Additional command line options” field:

-V 2 –vbr-new –add-id3v2 –pad-id3v2 –ta”%a”–tt “%t” –tl “%g” –ty “%y” –tn “%n” %s

ignore the rest of the options and click on the ID3 tab and remove any checkmarks before clicking ok.

Now it’s as easy as putting in your cd and selecting which tracks you want to rip and save.

Special Note: If you have a copy-protected cd try holding down the shift key until the cd in the drive is fully spun up. You can also try running AnyDVD while you rip your cd. The best way to not go through this hassle is to check the cd labels when you buy it. Look for such things as Enhanced, DualDisc, and/or Protected labels that notify you of copy-protection technology on the disc. If a certain artists cd has copy protection you can always send them an email or post to their online message boards/forums. Don’t forget to also use the online forms/phone number of the retailers and complain. Let them know that you want copyable versions of artists cd’s. Record labels might not listen to us but they sure as hell will
listen to B3st Buy, Circuit C!ty, and W4l-Mart.

Play Internet Music On Your MP3 Player:
Did you just buy music off the internet only to find out that you can’t play it on your mp3 player? Get Replay Music from for $30 and install it on your PC. The first time you fire up replay music your going to have to change some settings. Click the settins tab in the lower right hand corner and click on the “input” tab. Choose sound card and set the volume to max. Now click on the splitting tab and make sure theres a checkmark next to split tracks. Finally, click on the Output tab and place a checkmark next to Autmatic Tagging. Choose the option to record to MP3 and set the
bitrate to whatever you want. We recommend you choose 192Kbps.

Now all you have to do is remember to have replay music running before you start playing your music Qeue up the tracks you want and when the start recording session window pops up type %A%a in the field labeled directory format. Click OK and begin streaming music from your subscription service. Remember not to do anything else on your PC while the music is recording. Don’t even IM during this because even resizing a window will cause a glitch in your music.

Backing Up DVD’s:
For this task I highly recommend DVD Shrink which is Freeware and freely available on the net.
downloads available at

Method 1: After installing dvd shrink, insert your DVD disc and click “Open Disk” which is the second button to the left. After selecting your DVD drive click OK. After you hit the OK button, DVD shrink begins to analyze the disc.

Once done you should be presented with a DVD structure to the left and compression settings on the right. This is where you can control what you want to backup and at what quality. Hint: you can get much better quality on the actual movie by lowering the quality of video on the menu and bonus features. Better yet, take off the audio streams for languages you won’t be using.

Next, click the big backup button at the top and set the settings so DVD Shrink knows where to save your DVD. Make sure “Create VIDEO_TS and AUDIO_TS subfolders” is checked and take a look at the other tabs to further customize the configuration.

When you click “OK” DVD shrink will begin to copy the DVD onto your hard drive and compress it to fit on a single layer 4.7GB disc.

Once DVD Shrink is finished just start up your favorite DVD burning utility and make sure you set it to burn a DVD video disc. Drag and drop the VIDEO_TS folder into the program and burn away!

Method 2 aka the MDP method: Assuming you already have DVD Shrink and DVD Decrypter installed on your system. (btw, DVD Decrypter is now an illegal program) Just pop in the DVD you want to copy and fire up DVD Decrypter. There will be a big button right in the mid left side of the program. Just click that one button and DVD Decrypter will decrypt and copy the entire contents of your DVD to your hard drive.

From there start up DVD Shrink and open to the folder where the copied files are. Follow the steps from method 1 and take off any extra video/audio streams to save space. Next click the backup button and save as an ISO file. Once DVD Shrink is finished use your favorite DVD burning utility and burn the ISO to a DVD disc. Finally pop open a can of your favorite sodi pop and test out your backup.

If you want more features and flexibility in backing up your DVD’s try these programs below: Nero Recode, AnyDVD, Intervideo DVD Copy 4, and #1 DVD Ripper.

DVD Copy 4 at $50
AnyDVD at $40

Ripping, Encoding, and Compressing DVD’s:
Before you start make sure you have AnyDVD installed and enough free space on your NTFS formatted drive. It’s also recommended that you defrag your hard drive before you start.

Now open up AnyDVD and put your DVD in the drive. Double check that your target and source are set and pick the format you want to save your movie in. Click on the hammer icon to the right side of the screen to make some changes such as changing the “Disc Label” and the resolution. If your using Divx, use the home theater profile. After you point and click on all of the movies you want to rip all you have to do is click on the rip button at the lower right corner.

Codec List:

Divx 6- The new Divx codec which supports multiple audio streams, subtitles, and multiple videos inside a single file. Basically a one file DVD. Its a good codec but it isnt widely supported yet.

Divx (AVI)- The original MPEG-4 based format is the one you want if you want your movie to play virtually anywhere. This codec also has decent video/audio quality.

WMV- If you own a Windows Media Center machine this is the way to go. It’s got better compression than Divx but it’s not widely supported. However, for Windows Media Center Extender streaming boxes this is the only format that will play.

MP4- This is the official MPEG-4 format. A lot of the portable players support this format including the PSP and iPod.

H.264- The newest codec to the MPEG-4 standard, this codec has improved compression and better image quality but it isn’t widely supported through streaming boxes. Compatibility on portable players however is excellent.

Making Your Video Mobile:
If you have any movie already converted to Divx it will be a snap to get it into basically every other format.

To format your Divx movie for a PSP simply get PSP Video 9 to transcode and load your PSP with a movie.

For Video iPod’s go to and get the Videora iPod Converter to transcode your movie for iPods.

Almost all other portable media players can be loaded using Windows Media Player 10. Media Player 10 can also transcode your Divx movie for other players so your all set!

when signing up for potential spam add +spam to your gmail address.
ex: >

then when you receive the spam you can filter it out by telling gmail
to put everything with a +spam into your spam folder.

you can do this by signing into gmail and clicking on the “Create a filter” link
right next to the search box.

works for other tags
ex: >

Hewlett-Packard is recalling some 135,000 notebook battery packs that might overheat, melt, and pose a burn or fire hazard. About 85,000 of those batteries were sold in the US and the company says an internal short can occur in the battery cells, which would cause the meltdown. So far there have been 16 reports of overheated batteries. These occur in both HP and Compaq notebooks made between March 2004 and September 2004. So if you think you might have one of these laptops head over to for more info. Btw, if your the owner of one of these laptops all we can say is: that’s what you get. Next time be smart and don’t buy a retail branded laptop. There are tons of whitebox/boutique sellers out there. If you want one custom built, check out our friends over at

Have you ever come across a website/webpage with a media file that you absolutely had to have
but couldn’t save/download? Especially those embedded pictures and videos?? Those of you out
there who are l33t have probably figured a way around this dilema by using the “view page source”
in Firefox. But it’s not always convenient to go through a page full of code. So we’ve come up
with a better way.

  • Open up Firefox and head over to the website/webpage with the embedded file you want to download.
  • Right click anywhere on the page inside of firefox.
  • Left click “view page info”
  • Click the tab that says “media”
  • Scroll through until you find the file you are looking for.
  • Then click on the “save as” button and save it to your computer
